High level industrial solutions

We offer a wide range of services, including inspection, verification, testing, qualification, as well as training and technical support. No matter the challenge, we will present the solution!

Our services

Services that exceed your expectations

Services that exceed your expectations With a highly trained team, we meet the unique needs of your company and work to contribute to the quality and compliance of the projects presented, providing items within the required parameters at all stages of the project.

Third party inspection (TPI) and expediting

Third party inspection (TPI) and expediting

• Schedule and production control
• Documentation status analysis
• Checking the status of receipt of materials
• Boarding coordination
• Verification of the Inspection and Test Plan
• Issuance of report with photographic record
• Factory acceptance test

ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020 – Oil and Gás.

Petrobras Manufacturing Inspection - ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020 Inspection Body Accreditation - Oil and Gas

Petrobras established in its General Requirement for the Quality of Goods -ET-0000.00-0000-972-1AL-001, that the manufacturing inspection of its equipment ordered from suppliers with Type "Q" inspection must be carried out by an OIA - Organization of Accredited Inspection, in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 Type "A". The manufacturing inspectors who work in this activity are certified by the SNQC/Abendi, in accordance with NBR 16278.

Non Destructive Tests - NDT

Non Destructive Tests - NDT

Non Destructive Tests - NDT
Penetrating liquid
Magnetic particles
Weld Visual
Thickness Measurement by US
industrial painting
Elaboration of Procedures

The inspectors who work in this activity are certified by the SNQC/Abendi system, in accordance with ISO 9712.

Welding Inspection

Welding Inspection

  • Welding Inspectors Levels 1 and 2

  • Preparation and qualification of EPS (Welding Procedure Specification)

  • Elaboration and qualification of ROPS (Welding Procedure Qualification Record)

  • Elaboration and qualification of the IEIS (Welding Execution and Inspection Instruction)

  • Welder Qualification Elaboration and qualification of RQS (Welder Qualification Record)

About MSB Industrial Services

Generating sustainable and solid results for our clients is our mission.

“Seek national recognition as valuable partners for our customers, suppliers, employees and community.” – Vision

Values: Ethics; Commitment; Strategic Partnerships; Commitment to Quality; Friendship and Respect.

Our team has qualified, experienced professionals dedicated to contributing to the maintenance of quality and continuous improvement of our customers’ processes and products, ensuring compliance with the quality requirements and contracted regulations.

Our Clients

Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others to show them how well you do what you do.

Walt Disney


We are interested in hearing from you! Contact us

Vitória ES

Av. Nossa Sra da Penha, 1495, salas 501/504 AT, Santa Lúcia

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